Degen Quarters
Every Knight needs a place of their own. Degen Quarters is a space for Knights to call home.
The Degen Quarters serve three (3) primary purposes:
Staking all of your KOD NFTs after the initial Degen Quarters redemption period. Without a Degen Quarters, you cannot stake the NFTs you acquire from the Degen Kingdom.
Earn rewards from staking like future NFTs and gameplay multipliers.
A 3D customizable space where you can display your NFTs, host others, and recharge from competitions in the Degen Arena.
Acquiring Degen Quarters
Non-Knight Holders
Players can purchase a Knight on any marketplace to quality for the airdrop
Degen Quarters will be sold individually for a limited time at the end of the initial “Pre-Season Baking” period
Knight Holders
Receive a “Degen Deed” - airdropped on Polygon - (coming Spring ‘23)
One (1) Degen Deed will be airdropped per Knight held
Stake Deed + Knight + Steedz (optional) during the special “Pre-Season Baking” period
After 60 consecutive days of being staked, Degen Deeds become “fully baked”
Fully baked Deeds will be redeemable for Degen Quarters 1:1 at the end of the Pre-Season
NOTE: Degen Quarters will be redeemable in batches for tiered Degen Quarters during a special minting period (Fall ‘23).
Tiers will affect things like:
XP/Points Multiplier
How do you get a Degen Quarters?
Tiers play an important role in the Degen Kingdom. Quarters are no exception.
Degen Quarters can be individually traded-in for Knights Quarters, or can be batched together and traded-in for higher tiered quarters such as Duke, Noble, and Royal.
Note: Additional Degen Quarters will be made available - for a cost - at the end of the Pre-Season for those who miss out on the Pre-Season staking period and/or wish to elevate the tier during the exchange period.
Degen Quarters will be redeemable for the following:
1 Degen Quarters = 1 Knight Quarters
3 Degen Quarters = 1 Duke Quarters
10 Degen Quarters = 1 Noble Quarters
25 Degen Quarters = 1 Royal Quarters
Example scenarios of redemption mechanics for reference:
2 Degen Quarters = 2 Knight Quarters
4 Degen Quarters = 1 Duke Quarters, 1 Knight Quarters
15 Degen Quarters = 1 Noble Quarters, 1 Duke Quarters, 2 Knight Quarters
33 Degen Quarters = 1 Royal Quarters, 2 Duke Quarters, 2 Knight Quarters
Tier factors:
Staking Capacity: Higher tier = more space for staking assets = more XP earned, faster
XP Multipliers: Higher tier = More XP earned from staking assets
XP elevates status on all specialized, temporary, and overall leaderboards
Position on the leaderboards impacts rewards, contest eligibility, rarity of future NFT drops, and more
Gameplay Multipliers: Higher tier = more available power, energy, and quicker recharge
Utilizing this enhanced regeneration, players can compete in KOD games and fantasy contests more frequently and/or increase their entries to specific contests
Virtual space
Pre-Season “Stake to Bake” Guide
Receive Degen Deed
Visit to access the staking web app
Connect wallet containing KOD assets
Select the Knight(s) you would like to stake to your Deed(s)
Bonus: Staking a Steed with a Knight will generate a bonus at the end of the staking period
Staking with KOD is gasless and is done in a way often referred to as "soft-staking"
Owned assets will not leave your wallet and will not require any transaction
Knights (and Steedz) must remain staked for 60 consecutive days during the Pre-Season Baking period
Listing and/or selling a staked Knight will reset the counter
Re-staking a Knight will result in the counter being set to “Day 0”
After 60 consecutive days of staking, Deeds will become “fully baked”
“Fully Baked” = eligible for a 1:1 exchange of a Degen Quarter during the redemption period taking place at the end of the Pre-Season
What happens after the initial staking and redemption period for Knight Quarters?
The Pre-Season Baking period for Deeds/Degen Quarters will be open until Season One begins (Fall ‘23)
The exchange period of Degen Quarters for Knights/Duke/Noble/Royal Quarters will take place in the final weeks of the Pre-Season
This will function as the official first mint of the tiered Degen Quarters
After Season One begins, there will be only two ways to obtain Degen Quarters:
Purchase on a secondary marketplace
Earn and/or acquire as rewards from the exchanged supply held by the Treasury.
Virtual, 3D interactive functionality will be added over time
Last updated